Welcome to the ZTH Alliance

Table of Contents

Liberty Accepted Here

Welcome to the ZTH Alliance! We are a group of people who are interested in using international currencies with "Zero Transaction History", locally in our own neighborhoods, excluding all banks and all governments, to build a new, parallel economy bridging the old financial world and the new, joining the global world of technology to the local world we all live in, on a purely practical level to enhance our lives to the maximum possible levels of Liberty.

Bringing Financial Privacy into the Modern World

Traditionally, precious metals such as physical gold and silver have been used to transact in such a private manner, as they have no history of ownership and leave no public transaction history behind. Unfortunately, you can't email a gallon of gas. Neither can you email physical gold and silver. Almost all cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin, Monero, and the like, were designed for this purpose, but due to unbelievably bad design and a myriad of other destructive distractions, are completely unsuitable. All cryptocurrencies are nothing more than the sticks and seashells used by cave men, just like the worthless paper currencies we hold in our wallets/purses. There is only ONE cryptocurrency that has the same "Zero Transaction History" property as physical gold and silver: Pirate Chain.

Pirate Chain Privacy Cryptocurrency

The "Pirate Chain" cryptocurrency is unique in the cryptocurrency space, such that it combines the superior privacy/anonymity-preserving technology of "Zero Knowledge Proofs" with 100% mandatory privacy for each transaction, with no exception. This differentiates it from all other trash cryptocurrencies, including but not limited to Bitcoin, Zcash, and Monero. In our view, Pirate Chain is the only cryptocurrency worth using, with all others to be avoided like the plague.

Why Not Just Use Cash?

While government-issued "fiat currencies" like the US Dollar also have been used to transact in such a manner, you also get risks of inflation, taxation, and the fueling of endless wars. Additionally US Dollars, like many other government-issued currencies, have individual serial numbers, which could in theory be used to track and trace any purchases made with them.

Why Not Just Use Monero Instead of Pirate Chain?

Shortly after Bitcoin was created, Monero was a first, early attempt at providing privacy through obscurity. All cybersecurity professionals know that it is impossible to achieve security through obscurity. They are not the same and never will be. Monero's inferior "Ring CT" "decoy" technology does the equivalent of trying to merely "hide" your money by sticking it out of sight in a desk drawer, rather than in a secure bank vault, out of the hands of thieves and government snoops. While Monero was designed to provide "privacy by default", disabling all transparent, public transactions, there are far superior choices like Pirate Chain privacy cryptocurrency that are simply a quantum leap forward in security, privacy, and anonymity. Pirate Chain is the only cryptocurrency that provides PERFECT fungibility, the property that makes your money immune to being discriminated against, due to any prior ownership history. Pirate Chain is therefore the only valid choice for a cryptocurrency.

From Buy/Invest/Sell to Earn/Spend/Live

All too often, currencies like physical gold, physical silver, and even Pirate Chain cryptocurrency have been tied to an "investing/hoarding" mindset, where these "investors" dream of exiting said investment currency (ie. physical gold, Bitcoin, Monero), for some kind of future, higher amount of the original currency invested (ie. US Dollars).

HARSH TRUTH FOR CRYPTOCURRENCY "INVESTORS": We here at the ZTH Alliance recognize the harsh truth that anyone who invests like this, dreaming of exiting that investment with "fat stacks" of profit, never really cared about the currency they were investing in to begin with.

A unique, superior, alternative approach exists, having nothing to do with this "investing/hoarding" mindset, that sets one free from banks, governments, inflation, taxation, and endless wars. Instead of buying honest money like physical gold, physical silver, and Pirate Chain with tainted "fiat" currencies like the US Dollar, one trades one's labor or goods, earning that honest money. Keeping it in a separate pile, this becomes a sort of "clean spot" in one's life, without the stink of banks and governments. The idea then is to locate local vendors who have joined the ZTH Alliance, who provide commonly needed goods and services necessary for daily life: Filling up your gas tank, buying groceries, paying bills.

Merchant Directory

One of the main, initial goals of the ZTH Alliance is to provide a merchant directory website, indexed by ZIP code/Post code. This allows vendors including, but not limited to coin shops, gas stations, and coffee shops to register their company name, brick-and-mortar location, listing the goods/services they provide. Customers can then simply go the website, search for their local ZIP code/Post code, and find local merchants where they can bring in physical gold, physical silver, and/or Pirate Chain privacy cryptocurrency, in order to purchase goods and services from said merchant.

Once registered, you can obtain a merchant payment sticker for your brick-and-mortar store window, similar to the "Visa" and "Mastercard" stickers already there. The sticker will be similar, if not the same, as the "Liberty accepted here" "ZTH" logo for this website. Additional merchandise (ie. mugs, t-shirts, signage) may become available in the future.

Here is the current "mock-up" example of the logo to be used:

Bank-Free and Government-Free Prices

When you go to the store, you've always seen prices listed in your country's "fiat" currency, such as the US Dollar. ZTH Alliance members strongly desire to see and provide prices that have nothing to do with Banks and Governments. While no customer or merchant would or be expected to "quit their day job" over this, abandoning "fiat" currencies altogether, the idea here is to pursue this in a sort of "side gig" sense. You want to keep your pile of honest money separate from your other money.

As a merchant, we advise picking goods and/or services, where you pledge, going forward, to NEVER price them traditionally in a "fiat" currency, such as the US Dollar, keeping them in a sort of separate "clean spot pile".

For goods, you would price them in one of the three ZTH Alliance-approved categories: Physical gold, Physical Silver, Pirate Chain privacy cryptocurrency. An example based on buying one gallon of gasoline for your car:

  • One gallon of gasoline for 11 Pirate Chain
  • 11 gallons of gasoline for a one Troy ounce of 0.999 physical silver "round" 

For services, you would do the same, but price them in units of time like hours, or per job, as you normally would.

For currency exchanges, you would then form prices from a pair of the three ZTH Alliance-approved currencies: Physical gold, physical silver, Pirate Chain privacy cryptocurrency. Examples would be:

  • A one-Troy ounce "round" of 24 karat gold for 9400 Pirate Chain
  • 9400 Pirate Chain for a one-Troy ounce "round" of 24 karat gold
  • A one-Troy ounce "round" of 24 karat gold for 818 one-Troy ounce "rounds" of 0.999 silver
  • A one-Troy ounce "round" of 0.999 silver for 112 Pirate Chain
  • 112 Pirate Chain for a one-Troy ounce "round" of 0.999 silver
  • 818 one-Troy ounce "rounds" of 0.999 silver for a one-Troy ounce "round" of 24 karat gold

Avoiding Fiat Currencies in Prices

To maintain the integrity of this separate, parallel, international economy, it is EXTREMELY important one keeps bought, "tainted" currencies completely separate from earned, "clean" currencies. It is also very important to not mix your goods/services together. Keep your ZTH alliance goods and services priced only in either physical gold, physical silver, or Pirate Chain privacy cryptocurrency.

To avoid confusion, pick a single honest money currency for the price you set and stick to that (ie. for a gallon of gas, set the price either as 11 Pirate Chain/gal. or as 0.09 Troy ounces of physical silver/gal.). If you know of other local merchants in the ZTH Alliance, you can set your prices competitvely against them as your normally would. If however, you are the only such vendor in your local area, as no market price signals are readily available, we suggest setting your initial price by converting it from other "fiat" currency prices (ie. look up the local price of gas in dollars as set by your competitors). 

It is then EXTREMELY important to try to stick to that price you set. We suggest giving it a set amount of time, like a week, then repeating the process described above. The idea here is that we want to have all prices near-constant and unfluctuating. It's OK to intially tether your price to conventional "fiat" market prices, but once other local merchants have joined the ZTH Alliance in your area, please only use those prices to competitively set yours. This is the only way we will be able to build a parallel economy free of the destructive baggage of Banks and Governments.

All too often we see "alternatively" priced items listed in something like Bitcoin, only to be dismayed at seeing these prices wildly fluctuating from second to second. This is caused by setting the underlying price in US Dollars, with some website software constantly looking up the exchange rate of Bitcoins to US Dollars. It is EXTREMELY important that you do not do this. The only way to construct a parallel economy free of Banks and Governments is to absolutely NEVER price any "clean spot"/"side gig" goods and services in "fiat" currencies like the US Dollar. Leave tainted practices like that for your "day job" goods and services, or just simply price those "day job" services in some "fiat" currency like US Dollars.

Accepting Gold and Silver as Payment

As a merchant, you live in a conventional world of things like US Dollars, credit cards, point of sales terminals, and all of their associated fees. If you've ever visited a precious metal coin shop, you would have noticed small, convenient electronic assay equipment the size of a phone or a tablet. Before purchasing any coins, the coin shop merchant simply places the physical gold or physical silver "round" you presented them with on the device, getting an instant "red light/green light"-type of indication as to whether the item is pure or fake. If it shows up as pure, they then simply weigh it and verify the amount of precious metal, typically one-Troy ounce at a time. If everything is valid, the merchant accepts the transaction and proceeds normally.

These types of electronic "instant assay" devices are readily available and the ZTH Alliance can help you purchase such a point-of-sale device, providing basic instructions on how to use it. Using such a device, you can easily, quickly, and directly accept actual physical gold and physical silver for payment instead of dirty, tainted "fiat" currencies like the US Dollar. These devices can use what are called "bridges" to do deep detection of fakes that could have merely been plated with precious metals, hiding fake metals inside. The technology used is fascinating, advanced, extremely convenient, and do not harm precious metals like conventional, imprecise methods like acid can do.

Another thing to keep in mind is that such a point of sale device is a one-time purchase, in addition to a reliable weight scale. There are no network service fees you would normally have to pay when you use credit card point of sale terminals. These precious metal "instant assay" devices are permanently and completely offline, private, and anonymous to use, forever.

Accepting Pirate Chain as Payment

The simplest way to accept, hold, and send Pirate Chain privacy cryptocurrency is to install the official "Skull Island", zero-cost "wallet" app on your current smartphone. These are considered to be the equivalent of the wallet in your back pocket or your cash register. Receiving money is as simple as displaying a QR code generated by the app. Sending money is as simple as scanning said QR code with your phone's camera into the app, filling out the amount, and optionally writing something in the "memo" field. Think of this similar to writing a check. Funds held like this on an online device like a phone or a PC are potentially at risk of being hacked, like most everything these days. Other more secure, additional methods are available to safeguard your funds.

A much more secure additional way to accept, hold, and send Pirate Chain privacy cryptocurrency is to take advantage of a concept called "cold storage". This method requires the use of a very small, fairly inexpensive USB device, the size of two postage stamps. The ony device capable of providing this service is called the "Pirate Plus" cold storage USB hardware wallet. This method provides you with the equivalent of a savings account, without the normally attached Banks and Governments, with all of their destructive baggage.

When setting either method up, you are prompted to make a simple backup of the internal secret leveraging your money, by writing some English words on a piece of paper. This allows you to securely store these "seed phrase" words in a bank vault, as a permanent means of recovering all of your funds in case the device is lost or stolen. The level of security this provides is far greater than even Fort Knox.

An additional level of security can be provided by using a small steel device, the size of an old school audio cassette. This device has metal letters you slide into it, similar to what you see when you've played the game "Scrabble". Once all of your backup "seed phrase" words are loaded into such a metal device, your money becomes immune to physical disasters, such as fire and/or flood, where your paper "seed phrase" backup would have been rendered useless.

IMPORTANT: Cryptocurrency transaction are never instant. Transfers of Pirate Chain funds can take a minute or two to show up with their first confirmation. Think of it as the same amount of time it takes to send and receive an email. Each transaction is validated by the cryptocurrency network continuously over and over again, but for speedy transfers, it is quite common to accept the vailidity of a transaction with only one confirmation. That choice is a trade off between assurance and speed, which will always be up to the one receiving the funds to set and require.

How Do I Get Started?

For merchants, you likely found this website, due to already meeting a ZTH Alliance representative in person, at your establishment. For customers, you may have seen an advertisement for this online or are already part of our online, dedicated Discord chat server. In any case, there is a "Discord" invitation link at the top of this website. The Discord chat service is free, but does require you to create an account when you sign up. We recommend joining our Discord chat server and reaching out to Discord server administrator "warelock" for more information.

Typically for a merchant to get started, the merchant reaches out via Discord or simply had provided their phone number to the representative they'd already met. A ZTH Alliance representative will then reach out and initiate the order of the required precious metal "instant assay" point of sale device. A reliable weigh scale is also required. We will then walk you through the process of installing the "Skull Island" phone app and how to bring up a QR code for receiving payment from a customer.

"Point-of-Sale" Instant Electronic Assay (about the size of an iPad tablet)
"Point-of-Sale" Instant Electronic Assay (about the size of an iPad tablet)

Additional possible applications of this "instant assay" point of sale device technology could be in a vending machine. We are in talks with device manufacturers to explore the possibilities.

Join Us

We thank you for reading through this introduction to the ZTH Alliance. We stand for a future where we all have real, local, financial alternatives to enable our ability to earn, spend, and live free of Banks, Governments, and all of their destructive baggage. Physical gold, physical silver, and Pirate Chain privacy cryptocurrency all share the same property: Zero Transaction History. This provides perfect fungibility, permanently rendering your wealth immune from interference and manipulation, forever.

Click here to join us in this financial revolution!