

Please consider supporting the work of the Zero Transaction History Alliance by directly donating Pirate Chain privacy cryptocurrency to us.

The firt step is to install the "Treasure Chest" Pirate Chain privacy cryptocurrency full node desktop hot wallet software and clicking on one of the following donation links. Your wallet software should open, ask you to unlock it, then the payment send screen will be automatically filled out with the details embedded in the link. You can then review the details and send the payment direcly to us.

This is a purely peer-to-peer, completely private and anonymous transaction, with near zero fees. The payment is considered received when the transaction receives at least a single confirmation on the Pirate Chain privacy cryptocurrency blockchain network. The average time to receive a single transaction confirmation is about 60 seconds. It is the receiver that sets the threshold of number of confirmations to consider the transaction as valid. For expediency, one confirmation is minimum. Historically, six confirmations is considered the "gold standard".

Payment Links

Donation of 1 $ARRR

Donation of 10 $ARRR

Donation of 100 $ARRR

Donation of 1000 $ARRR

Payment Address

Alternatively, you can either manually enter in the very long Pirate Chain priacy cryptocurrency payment address, copy/paste the payment address from this website, or you can scan the payment address QR code into your "Skull Island" Pirate Chain privacy cryptocurrency mobile wallet app. If you use any of these methods, you will need to fill out the amount and memo fields yourself. Feel free to be as generous as you like. 😉

ZTH Alliance Pirate Chain privacy cryptocurrency payment address