Zero Transaction History Alliance
LIBERTY ACCEPTED HERE: Merging the old world of precious metals like physical gold and physical silver with the new world of Pirate Chain privacy cryptocurrency, for perfect financial Liberty through Zero Transaction History
Follow the Yellow Brick Road
Have you ever seen a price in a store that wasn't in your country's currency (ie. US Dollars)? Imagine seeing just that: A price in silver, gold, or cryptocurrency. Think it's impossible? Think again...
For example, imagine you want to fill up the gasoline tank of your car, where you then walk into a gas station, see the price of gasoline in ounces of silver, reach into your pocket, pull out a few one-Troy ounce physical silver rounds (another word for "coins") to match the amount of gasoline you want to purchase, and hand it over to the gas station attendant. They then weigh the silver, placing it on a device which instantly and electronically assays it, where the silver is judged pure and of the correct amount. This process so far has only taken moments. You then get a receipt and change back in physical silver, proceeding to fill up your gas tank with the amount of gasoline you purchased.
Now imagine you did the same process with a one-tenth ounce gold round (about the size of a dime) and did the same thing, getting your change back as physical silver.
Now imagine you did the same process by pulling our your cell phone, where the merchant pulled theirs out, with you scanning a QR code on their phone or tablet screen with your phone's camera.
Each of these transactions leave exactly ZERO information behind, publicly. None of the money transacted have serial numbers like cash does. None of that money creates opportunities for governments or banks to control you, regulate you, tax you, or steal it from you through inflation. None of that money automatically fuels the endless wars governments seem to love to get up to. Is that the kind of world you'd like to see? Then follow me, friend, into the brave new world of Zero Transaction History.
The Honest Money Eagle Has Landed
Welcome to the ZTH Alliance! We are a group of people who are interested in using international currencies with "Zero Transaction History", locally in our own neighborhoods, excluding all banks and all governments, to build a new, parallel economy bridging the old financial world and the new, joining the global world of technology to the local world we all live in, on a purely practical level to enhance our lives to the maximum possible levels of Liberty.
Yeah, but How Does It Work?
Being able to accept physical gold and physical silver is as easy as a one-time purchase of a precious metal verifier device, similar in size to credit-card swiping point of sale devices you see everywhere in merchant shops world-wide. The difference is that such a verifier device is a one-time purchase with exactly zero network service fees, forever.
Being able to accept Pirate Chain privacy cryptocurrency is as easy as installing a free wallet app on your smartphone. Pirate Chain is unique in the scam-filled world of cryptocurrencies in that it is literally the ONLY cryptocurrency with the same privacy and anonymity as traditional currencies such as physical gold, physical silver, or even conventional cash. The difference is that you can't email a gallon of gas. You CAN privately send some cryptocurrency that can be traded for gasoline. That same cryptocurrency can then be traded for other honest money like physical gold or physical silver.
Sounds Good, but How Can I Get in on This?
Read on to learn more about how this all works, the unique benefits for everyone, and how you can get started immediately in creating a true "clean spot" in your life, free of the interference from banks and governments, forever.